Набор посуды
The products have two different compositions:A1:FORMALDEHYDE 37%UREA 49%X-CELLULOSE 23%A2:MELAMINE 54%UREA 0FORMALDEHYDE 23%X-CELLULOSE 21%ELSE 2%Two kinds of different compositions are used on the Ja
Клапан руководство
The products used Auto / Motorcycle / Marine Engine and agriculture ..We also have other goods for Valve Seat and Engine Valve..
Valve Seat
This products used motor/ auto/ agriculture..
Корка совет
Cork board for push pins or post with alum / plastic or wooden frameThe size range: 30*45cm~~~90*180cm
This proudcts is used kitchen. More infromation or relation products for kitchen. Please directly to contact with us.
The disply board of size:128*60cm.The marterial : Stainless steel .The products range :wooden/ alum/Size range :(W)45*(H)145cm / (W)60*(H)128cm/(W)65*(H)163cm or (W)80*(H)148cm
Магнитная Meno совет
The magnetic meno board of surface can used white or black for PP plastic frame.The description: 1pc black (white) board 1 pcs line 2pc for 2cm magnet 1 pc white chalkThe size ragne: 30*20~~45*60cm